Sponsor A South Asian Water Well


Every $3,000 will sponsor the drilling and installation of a new water well in an unreached people group village. This water will meet the physical needs of hundreds of families who have never had the opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel.

In areas of unreached people groups, it can be dangerous to proclaim the Gospel on the street. There are many countries in the world where it is illegal to proselytize. So, how do you communicate the love of God to those who live with a worldview that is vehemently opposed to the Gospel? You show them Love. God is love, and when you communicate the gospel through acts and deeds, it can break down barriers that have been built over generations. When you can offer a thirsty mother and her children a clean glass of water, it can be hard to argue that there is grace living inside a believer (and a church). There is a beautiful marriage between God’s love for people and the command to help the poor and oppressed.

Your donation is tax-deductible. We are a top-rated Christian charity…we’re serious about making your money count.